Dr. Dana McGrady works with natural cancer therapies and works along side doctors treating cancer patients, to make sure they have enough nutrition in their diets. She has done this for years and recognizes that some of these products can be very expensive, and not everyone can afford them, because they are not covered by insurance.
She shares that her life mission has been to help her patients alkalize their systems, reduce inflammation, and help prevent disease. When Purium first came into her life, she was skeptical and figured, just to appease the person introducing her to this product, she would test the product on a machine she has that tests the purity of products. She fully expected to say, “thanks, not interested” and send them on their way, but instead she did a double take. The Purium products tested as high as some of the expensive, high quality products she had been using with cancer patients and their doctors.
She decided to give the product a try and investigate further. Hear her story about what she discovered at https://youtu.be/KOX8v3TIaEE