I first learned about the Alexander Method over twenty years ago when I had a chronic illness and was too weak to move. At the most severe stage of my illness I was in bed 20 hours a day. Luckily, through working on improving my immune system naturally and the grace of the good Lord, I recovered after three years.
The Alexander Method is a method of movement or exercise where we just let the natural movement of our bodies work. One of the exercises I first learned about was crawling…yes, crawling! When explained, it made sense. By crawling, the arm and opposite leg stretch, creating a flow and release in the body. There are also stretches one can do sitting in a chair.
I never knew the history of the Alexander Method. “When Frederic Matthias Alexander lost his voice on stage in the 1890s, he decided to investigate the reasons why. He discovered that the head-neck-back relationship is key to good overall coordination and the elimination of habits of tension.”
Movement is important. So is good nutrition.