Small isn’t Small

Amy Venner and David Sandoval recently shared at their 2016 Purium Convention one of the secrets of working well together. It made me think of this question: Do you think small and act big? Do you think big and act small? What if you aligned yourself with someone that does the opposite of you?

Let’s explore this a little more. Some people are amazing visionaries. They see the big picture. They see the future, and can often navigate to the next big idea, something that will benefit their family, their company, their community, their world. Some people are amazing in the details. They can see the steps needed to get there. They can anticipate the bumps along the road. They can work out the details to communicate and implement the plan.

By pairing yourself with someone unlike you, you become stronger. So, as David Sandoval and Amy Venner said, “When you put small and big together, it becomes powerful.” Where is your power today?

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