Think Like a Child

David Sandoval recently shared at the 2016 Purium convention the story about the truck that was stuck under a bridge. A dad and his son were driving a truck across country with important cargo and a strict deadline. Relatively close to it’s destination, it came to an overpass that it almost fit under. Dad, being stressed, tried to think of everything to get his truck under the overpass. He called his engineers. The best plan they came up with was a 150-mile route out of the way. All the while, his son kept saying “dad” and dad kept saying, “Not now son, I am dealing with something important.” Finally, dad said, “okay son, what did you want?” The son replied, “You know dad when I ride my bike and my tires need more air? Why can’t you just let some air out of the tires?”

Can life really be that simple? Do we still think like a child—or do we complicate things, sometimes making them harder than we need to?

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