What is Thermography and Does Heat Help Show Disease?

I learned about thermography about two years ago and as I researched it, the concept was interesting to me. I still did my mammogram and decided I would see the results of both, using my thermography as a baseline.

The concept of thermography, the best I understand it, is using a camera to detect where the body has heat and where it is cool. If there is heat, then there is probably inflammation, and something may be going on. If it happens to be a tumor, then there is usually activity, such as blood flowing to the area to feed the tumor. The thermography practitioner shared that it is not a guarantee, and you should still take the precautions you would normally take.

Several websites share that thermography is not a substitute for mammograms and is not yet approved by the FDA, but there are new modalities being studied that one day may provide new ways of testing.

As with anything, do your own research and determine your best plan of action with your medical team. And of course, take care of yourself by eating right!

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