What is the “Blue Zone” and Why Should I Care?

I love when synchronicity happens! I was recently at the Purium Convention and happened to continue running into a couple there. When we began talking they shared so many things that I had not yet learned about. One was called the “Blue Zone.” They described it as people studying geographic areas and demographics where there was more longevity, which translates also into more health. Thank you Patti Jo!

The book, The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People, by Dan Buettner, highlights common sense steps such as: family, social engagement, and purpose as well as clean water, “semi-vegetarianism,” legumes, and plant-based diet. One can’t forget the importance of physical activity.

My question is: We already know this. Why aren’t we doing it? Or, why is it easier for them to do it? To me, we grow, we learn, by the questions we ask.

If you would like to learn more about a plant-based diet, or someone who can help you with the “Blue Zone” click here.

I laugh, because in the past when someone was “blue” that meant they were down, sad, melancholy. Now, I want to say, “Go Blue!” (And for you Michigan fans – yes, I am also from Michigan! J)



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